Identify your customer

This chapter describes the .userParam method as a way to match your customers information with the information collected by Instantor.

The userParam method is an optional method that adds key-value pairs of customer-specific information to the process. The provided user parameters are attached to the report which is sent to you as a client when the end-user completes the application process. Attaching customer-specific information is optional but strongly recommended as it allows you as a client to match the report send by Instantor, with the information collected by you during your application flow.

This method accepts and attaches any key-value pairs to the report. However, special-purpose keys are listed further down in this section.

instantor.userParam(key, value)


The following example lists key-value pairs for a customer their; first name, last name, social security number and email address:

const instantor = new Instantor('');
/* Set user-specific parameters */
instantor.userParam('first-name', 'John');
instantor.userParam('last-name', 'Doe');
instantor.userParam('unique-user-id', '123456');

Special-purpose keys

The userParam accepts the following special-purpose key:

instantor.userParam('environment', 'test');

Instantor will return the environment value in the corresponding report for the request that has been initiated. If no environment is set, data will be sent to the production environment and associated Callback URL. You will find this mention in the report as: "miscParams":[ { "name":"environment", "value":"test" }

Most clients require two environments - "production" and "test", where production is set as the default environment. The client can request Instantor to set up any number of environments and request them to be named as they wish.

Reserved keys

Please refrain from using the following reserved keys as an argument for the userParam method. These are used internally by Instantor and value assigned to these keys will be overwritten.

  • tld,

  • product,

  • brand,

  • client,

  • instantor_request_id,

  • ssn,

  • scrapeHistoryDays,

  • scrapeHistoryMonths,

  • scrape_from,

  • scrape_to,

  • withLoans,

  • withStatements,

  • organization_number.

Every call to our system carries a unique instantor_request_ID. Make sure to parse this information in your UI and make it easily retrievable. Using this ID, we will be able to effectively assist you for any support inquires.

Last updated